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Understanding Rare Diseases and Orphan Drug Marketing

While Covid-19 has impacted populations across the globe, it may have had an even greater effect
on patients suffering from rare diseases. The pandemic has disrupted orphan drug research, causing trial delays, site closures, and even program cancellations. On a positive note, by stimulating expanded acceptance and use of telehealth technologies, the Covid-19 pandemic may have rendered manufacturers’ remote engagement teams an even more valuable tool for communicating with prescribers, patients, and caregivers.

We dive into the details in our whitepaper: 

  • Current opportunities in the rare disease/orphan drug marketplace
  • Trending challenges in the rare disease/orphan drug marketplace
  • Tips on how to understand and engage with grassroots stakeholders
  • How to building orphan drug success through sales, support, and clinical teams

Click the download button below to instantly download.


Questions? Good. The process of crafting the right orphan drug communications mix begins by asking
questions. We're here to help address these questions with a message-delivery lineup including members from one or more of several types of specialized teams, including clinical teams, field sales teams, and remote engagement support teams.



How we can help

On average, a Rare Disease patient may see doctors for five years before reaching a diagnosis. The rare disease community deserves the same resilience from healthcare providers that they bring to each new day. Amplity Health is committed to partnering with pharma active in the Rare Disease space from engagement, education, and advocacy to testing, diagnosis, and treatment:

  • Patient engagement and advocacy
  • Key Opinion Leader (KOL) and medical community network building
  • Understanding Patient and Physician challenges
  • Disease education
  • Scientific exchange of disease information with Healthcare Providers (HCPs)
  • HCP community building for referral networks
  • Genetic/Diagnostic testing capability and execution
  • Patient identification and support services triaging
  • Cross-functional partnership for testing pull-through

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